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Tell Me Why?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Its like 11 days pass after 2010. Haha! Its been a LONG LONG time since i updated this blog. Looks kinda dead also. Actually there are many reasons for me not to update the blog.
1. I am Busy..
2. I am Lazy..
3. Nobody bothered to come._.
4. I just remembered my password. XD!

Ok, new year, new resolutions. This year should be a year, I do well in my academics. No more fooling around, because, I am FUCKING in the LAST CLASS, which is 3e5! OMFG! Many friends came and when away, separated from each other. But, no fears, we still have the same recess together. WAHAHA! XD

Some got subjects that we don't. We are the only class that still has 2 period of PE per week, the others simply just had 1 period. HAHA! *good luck with NAFA..

Things that have changed:
- I am wearing long pants..
- Normal Lifesaving lessons has changed to COMPETITIVE Lifesaving
- I am a senior now..

Ok, 2009 wasn't a very bad year. There are both good and bad things actually. 2010 will be a better one. Things come and goes away without me having to notices them. Treasure things before you lose them, cause, you guys doesn't know their existence after you have lose them, you feel that they are actually pretty important in your life. So, start by showing them that you treasure them, show more care and concern and most of all show them all this with more LOVE!

My days as Secondary 3 was not a bad one. Appointed as the class chairperson, was a sort of new challenge for me. With completely no idea how to be a good chairperson, I am now forced to learn things the hard way. *Sort of the hard way. Subjects getting tougher and tougher by the chapters. More and more revisions are needed to be done at night, before you go to sleep. But out of my subjects, I particularly liked Pure Literature. When I was in lower secondary, I thought that literature was a killer subject, its so boring and whatsoever, but, the Upper Secondary teachers showed me that Literature is a boring subject, it is filled with so much " " *i cant explain. It was fun, and will be fun. LOL!

Imma senior now~ :D

Teach Me How To Love || 5:22 PM

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wow, its really been a long time since i have been here. Updatiing this blog, as it seems so dead..

Yea, results are out, got into the last class, for express. OMFGWTFBBQ, i already dont like the people in my class, most of them are like 'trouble-makers', luckily got junjie and hongye same class as me. And some other people from some other class.. Many of them got A maths, i didnt get offered, which means, i waved goodbye to JC.

Some updates and information on my life in this EOY holiday, ROTTING AT HOME EVERY SINGLE DAY, while everyone is busy working daily. All i wan is just to go out everyday, doing something random or just better than staying at home starring at 4 walls. I want to go out!!

Finally, i made up my mind to go tuition.. For my maths, i have finally woke up from my deep sleep, and realised that i have to really do something if not i will drown. I mean, its my own life, if i dont do anything to it, who is gonna do it for me? I cant see me ruining my own life with my own hand, i got better things to do.

Yea, and more to come soon

Teach Me How To Love || 11:23 AM

Saturday, October 24, 2009

WHAT THE FUCK?! MUST IT BE THIS WAY?! WHY WHY WHY?! Being my burden is better then nobody in my life, you ruining our relationship is better than you do nothing to it and totally dont bother about it. Why the hell?! WHY?! I understand, but.. WHY?! WHY?! WHY?

Teach Me How To Love || 10:00 PM

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Teach Me How To Love || 12:42 PM

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ha, sorry for not posting for quite sometimes.

There isnt any much of a good things to post about. Just trying to keep this blog 'alive', but apparently its not.

HEHE, friday, no CCA, when to gym. Go back home. Slack.

Saturday, was staying at home for the whole day, doing my OPSS paper.

Sunday, didnt have training, cause today is a public holiday.

Monday, was quite disatrous. Alittle problem, some people was pissed. Hehe, should know who. Ok, then, when back home, But in the morning, i when to kairong house, to do finish my unfinished hw.. LOL, i managed to finish it. No training today too.

Teach Me How To Love || 9:40 PM

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hi guys, I am back. Because i was being forced. See the tagbox._.

Friday, last friday.. I when to the comex, to get a Printer and an Ipod. Meet up my aunt at ToaPayoh Station, at around 6.40pm. Took MRT to CityHall. When up. All I can see are, people and more PEOPLE! Ya, its true, even though is like 7pm? The whole convention was FILLED. And as usual, the booth didnt move much, their position are pretty much the same as last time.. When around, looked for printer. And i just found out something, I am SLEEPY! No, reason. Maybe too bored. Only until, I reached around HarveyNorman's booth, there is this black guy, standing right up. Taking a mic and talking, selling its product. The way he said it was like:" Come and Buy, Last 5 Sets only, It has GREAT GRAPHIC and i know some of you guys like to watch those 'naughthy' videos on the internet. It is great for that.." So i was like thinking, "Will a parent buy a computer, after hearing what he said?" He is like promoting porn watching._. Finally, reached the NuBox section, which is one of the offical retailer for Apple. Saw and Itouch, decides to buy it. Than wrote invoice and paid for it. I got a 2Generation one. HEHE, i got my reasons and its not because i cant afford the 3Generation! After that, its kinda late, but, we when to Epson. And checked out on some of the printer, i like epson, it has a good printing quality, very fine very good. Bought it too.. Ate my dinner, FINALLY, at suntec. Which is like 9pm?!

Saturday, stayed at home trying out my itouch..

Sunday, dragonboat training as usual. Captain was back._. Ya, and he wanted us to do like a, 8 sets of 10/30s! OMG! And some of the sets were, 10/30/30._. OMFG! Alot man. Bobian.. During the second set, my leg cramp, HAHA, but bobian, carry on._. Was a super tiring day._. Backache, arms ache._. ACHE everywhere._.

Teach Me How To Love || 3:23 PM

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ok, the holiday started. 1 week long. But its like not having any holiday at all. So little, better still give us 2 weeks. So many homework somemore! SIAO MAN! Ok getting back to my week.

Saturday, when for the 罗生门. Which is SUPER UBER boring._. Ok lar, bo bian. Met up with yongjie, go to KFC. Blah Blah, ate pizza hut for lunch, while other ate KFC. Hmm, from what i can see. We are seperated into 2-4 groups. Yea, this is how 'united' the 2HCL is nowadays.. Feels like a class filled with strangers. Which was not like one, dont know what happen, or izit because of somebody? I dont know. Dont ask me. Thats the end of my saturday. So WASTED.

Sunday. Got training, lucky, today got 7 person including coach. Thanks for the banana muffins! Did some competition routines. Back ache and arm ache right now.. Always like that one.. TSK! Coach everything point to me one._. Direct his attention to me._. EEW. HAHA. Ended kinda early, so when back home and eat dinner. End of sunday.

Monday. Didnt really do much, except, i when to the Fire Department at the Yishun Industrial Park. Also, another day wasted. SO LAME AND BORING LOR. Even for the test, i close both my eyes and close my ears. Like wasting my BLOODY TIME, the test was so FUCKING EASY LOR. WAKAO. Then have to wait for the 7-8hours course to finish then take test, talk crap sia._. !@#$% At night got swimming training TT So jialat man._. Arm pain liao, still have to swim, and coach also very kind, first word, swim 20 laps within 20mins >< OMFG! Ok lar, i really took my time, but i manage to get it, in 19.37secs. HAHA! i was swimming uber slowly. HEHE. Then need to do a chin-tow, 10sets, 1 sets is equals to 2 laps, so equals, 20 laps! WAKAO! OK, i do. Then, really really no time. He asked us to stop at 5sets. Then do clothing tow with timings. I got it WOO! End of day..

Tuesday. Hmm, woke up. Play WT, then do reader's digest. Finish le, shower. When to admiralty with kairong. Eat mac, yicong came. Then when shopping at Orchard ION. Poor people, please dont go>< ITS TOO EXPENSIVE MAN! Then, we switched to Wheelocks Plaza, got crumpler shop so when there. See see around, then when to Wisma, also walk walk around. Around 2plus like that, we when to Plaza Singapura. Yicong ate Snackers. Then we all walk to Bugis Street, but before that, we stopped at Ice Monster, for the deserts. Then, we carry on with our shopping! WOO. When to bugis street, wanted to buy pants. But in the end no my size, so never buy. SO sad>< Yicong bought 2 piece of pants
one black one white. Good for him. LOL! When to bugis junction, me and kairong had mushroom soups for our tea-time. Very creamy, quite nice. Shared with yicong, cause too big bow, cant finish. Then, bought 2 chicken sticks at Tori Q. HAHA! Homed.

Thanks for accompanying me for the whole days guys! Especially you.. <33

Teach Me How To Love || 8:28 PM


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1 January


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